Holly Davis 2022 & 2023
How did she vote?
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Holly Davis never saw a tax she didn't like...
Voted FOR every tax increase or fee put forth in 2021
286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 206
Published November 18, 2023
Once again the far left liberal Holly Davis shows her colors.
These shows provide video evidence and everything else is OPINION!
Due your due diligence and confirm for yourself!
#liberalleftDavis thinks the bill should be paid anyway so the zoo doesn't suffer. I told you so about #conman Pricher months ago. Where was the investigation? Why did it not happen.
email your thoughts:
Published July 27, 2023
#Conmanlobbyist Gene Mcgee resignation is snuck in here with the TDC openings and Davis gives bullshit excuses for why there are no timely agenda items. #conwomanDavis
Mary Seader is our pick for District 5 School Board.
Published July 27, 2023
Mary Seader is our pick for District 5 School Board.
The REAL Holly Davis
Published April 26, 2023
Citrus Comical, Davis and #Leland Nation
Published February 19, 2023
Is Holly Davis for real? The CitrusComical prints garbage and she spews garbage. Where are ANY of these citizen input situations she talks about. All they do is lie to the face of the people. Leland Shipp is back with his opnion piece #LelandNation
In this vote, the county was asked to remove or prevent LBGTQ displays, (not books) in the tax payer funded libraries in Citrus County.
Holly Davis fights for sexual orientation displays
Her vote
Holly Davis voted to KEEP LBGTQ Promotional Displays