What is LifeStream and the Baker Act? Does Citrus County need this type of facility?
How much will this cost? Is this something Citrus County really wants or needs?
Did Commissioner Kinnard commit a crime? Was this last vote legal?
Stay updated. Suscribe to our Rumble Channel HERE...
This organization could not lie any smoother. I point out the FACTS in the very beginning for you. Take special note of all the requests made by Commissioner Schlabach and Bays toward the end. In the next video date March 28 2023 you will see Lifestream get caught in their lies by three Commissioners and they will claim to answer any questions if they request them in writing.
Video movie script
Vid its over Laura Loomer
Citrus County
Prendergast the establishment RINO
Videos Sabrina Hernando, Commissioner response,
Citrus speech and Citrus Response
Diane Citrus and response
Citrus County BOCC
Published February 28, 2023
Commissioners responses to Lifestream
Citrus County BOCC
Published February 28, 2023
Sabrina Watson speaks on Lifestream, shenanigans, and more...
Citrus County BOCC
Published February 28, 2023
Diane Liptak from Hernando County speaks regarding Lifestream for both Citrus and Hernando Counties.
Hernando Co shenanigans with Diane Liptak and Lifestream
Published February 28, 2023
This is part four of the backdoor deal and the shenanigans taking place in both Citrus and Hernando Counties.
Did they say dedicated Childrens facilty?
How many children did they say they baker act a month?
How many is that statewide?
286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 166 No children under 25? NO spouse? You are ripe for a kill!
Part 5 February 28, 2023
Clips from the Hernando Co and Citrus County BOCC meetings on Feb 28, 20243
Speakers on Lifestream Hernando County
Commissioner response Hernando County
Speakers on Lifestream Citrus County
Speakers Citrus County
Part 4 February 14, 2023
Part 3 February 7, 2023
Was this a legal move?
k door deal made by Kinnard, Finegan, and Davis?
It was clear Finegan was on board and knew what was going on. See for yourself.
2 MILLION of your money to be given to Lifestream for “services” that the county already pays for.
A special guest appearance by Leland Shipp with a message for Jeff Kinnard. I am not using his titles. Titles are used out of respect and NO ONE should respect this man.
Good Morning,
1. I am very concerned about the BOCC meeting yesterday and I am requesting any/all backup materials of the Kinnard agenda item L2. The agenda packet contains no materials for this vote. When, were and how did the commissioners receive the "agenda item for vote" Where are the "a.b and c attachments?"
Part 2 October 26, 2022
286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 127 - Baker Act millions, (of your money) to be spent by Citrus County
Should 2 million dollars of your money be given to a company that has recently shown 60 million in their bank account?
Guidestar reports that LifeStream Behavior has $62,634,977 in gross receipts and $60,011,568 in assets.
They also report that the separate organization that does their fundraising had $207,961 in gross receipts and $721,323 in assets.
Guest - Diane Stein
An experienced speaker who received certification on the Baker Act, Florida's mental health law, through the Department of Children and Families Diane is sought after on topics ranging from involuntary psychiatric examination and mental health rights to the dangerous side effects of psychiatric medication.
As a Newsweek Expert, Diane is regularly interviewed by journalists and investigative reporters on emergency psychiatric holds involving children and the violation of parental and child rights under these circumstances.
This is a business industry, NOT humanitarian, NOT charitable, and VERY Profitable!
So WHO is profiting?
What constitutes a legal Baker Act?
Average stays have been found to be 4.5 days. Significantly over 72 hours!
Is there a pattern with this company?
Are we really protecting people?
Is it profit over patients?
Are there better options?
Who is really involved?
Should Lifestream be allowed to have the designation of Baker Act provider? Is Lifestream abusing this designation?
Does funding for mental health decrease or increase suicide rates?
Commissioner Davis brushed off legitimate concerns.
Ask her:
Has a study been done?
Who did the study?
Should Citrus County enter into a business agreement with an organization that has numerous human rights violations? (deficiencies, more word salad?)
Would you take your car to a mechanic with poor ratings?
#medicarefraudMassullo is pushing this facility. Why?
#minimeKinnard appears to be pushing also. Again why?
Part 1 September 27, 2022
286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 124 - Pony up your two million folks
It doesn't get any more convoluted than this…
How many fingers are in the pot? For what reason would a commissioner want to give away 2 million dollars of your money to an organization they KNOW has not provided any threshold requests. How about the fact that this organization has millions but someone wants to put 2 million of your money into their pocket. Lifestream owns the property but wants YOU to build the building. What happens to the building when Lifestream loses or gives up their contract? Why?, so the county can lease or buy back the property that they paid for!